Local Business Enterprise (LBE) Program

In order to be eligible for LBE participation credit, a firm must have its principal place of business located within the “Local Zones” for at least one year. “Local Zones” are defined as the following: the municipalities of Newark and Elizabeth (“Zone 1”); as an extension of zone 1, priority zone 1A (“Zone 1A”) includes all municipalities within a 5-mile radius of the outside border of the Airport (see Figure 1 below)** ; as a second priority, (“Zone 2”) the remaining cities in Essex, Union and Hudson counties that are not inclusive of priority zone 1 or 1A. “Local” or “Local Zones” shall mean from the localities included in “Zone 1,” “Zone 1A,” and “Zone 2” as defined above and in that order of prioritization. A principal place of business is the firm’s main office or headquarters for at least one year, where high-level officers direct, control and coordinate the firm’s activities.

Firms may also be eligible for LBE participation credit if they conduct significant business activities within the “Local Zones.” In order to receive credit for a firm not having its principal place of business within the “Local Zones,” the Lessee/Contractor must submit an LBE review request to the Port Authority’s Office of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion and Government & Community Relations Department detailing the proposed firm’s business activities both within and outside of the Local Zone, including information on the length of time they have been conducted.


The determination of eligibility for LBE credit shall be at the discretion of the Port Authority, and may be based on a number of factors, including but not limited to the significance of the activities in the Local Zones in comparison to the firm’s overall activities, and the number of employees a firm has residing in the Local Zones.


Any recent business presence established for the purpose of LBE eligibility on a Port Authority project, including but not limited to new office locations and the hiring of employees from the Local Zones , shall not be considered.


If there are any questions or inquiries regarding your LBE designation, please fill out the LBE Designation Request Form below and send to [email protected]


In order to best access opportunities with the EWR Redevelopment Program, businesses should register as a vendor with the Port Authority prior to bidding for contract opportunities. Click here to register.

Map of EWR Local Business Enterprise Zones